We must begin with last night and our attempt to have Daisy sleep in the dog house with a cattle panel fence. The first failed attempt came with the realization that she has some Houdini genes because before Larry got around the barn to the bale, here came Daisy running up to him. That prompted a fence fixing attempt with a board, some staples and some bricks. So after securing the cattle panel one more time the second failed attempt was proven. Larry headed up to finish feeding the cows and sheep their hay for the night. Pretty soon here came Daisy trotting along like she was not supposed to be in her pen with her dinner. This time her escape route was not evident. It was either through the bigger openings or possibly even over the top. This stunt won her an all expenses paid night in the garage. So her food and water were retrieved from the dog house and a bed was prepared with the sheets that came with her in my car. Whether she slept on her "bed" or not, we do not know but she did eat and drink some overnight. She was ready to go this morning when it was time to go do chores.
This morning Daisy could be seen in the barnyard checking out the spring calves as they ate their breakfast. She did much better this morning helping Larry with the sheep. When I walked around the corner to go to the barn in the hopes of washing up some crusty kitten faces, Daisy saw me and came running with her tail wagging and a smile on her face. I think she likes her new farm and family.
After barnyard chores were done, Daisy and I jumped in the pickup with Larry to go check cows. This involved 4 sets of cows, sometimes Daisy got to get out of the truck and other times we just counted cows from inside the truck. On the last group, a Sunday plan changing discovery was made. First, a whole lot of broken fence. Secondly, cows in the milo field that were making their way back through the broken fence. Lastly, a number of missing cows and calves in the pasture with the broken fence. This meant back to the farm to get fence fixing supplies and the 4-wheeler for cattle checking in the deep ravines.
Daisy and I went with the work truck. She rides so good. She likes to curl up on the floor board and has a hard time laying on the seat between 2 people in the truck but she can lay down on the seat if she is encouraged to do so. Daisy and I headed back in the truck with Larry close behind on the 4-wheeler. We had the gate opened and were headed to the first spot of broken fence when Larry rounded the corner on the 4-wheeler. There were about 6 spots to fix, sometimes 2 or 3 rows of barbed wire. Daisy would get out of the truck and do a perimeter check. The cows were no where to be found where we were working so she just explored the area around where we were fixing fence. She was checking both sides of the fence and each time we moved we would call for her with a "Daisy, let's go." She would jump into the truck and sometimes would let me also sit in the driver's seat. When the fence was all fixed, Larry took the 4-wheeler down over the hill to count cows and calves, believing they were all back in the pasture. Daisy and I just sat at the top of the hill and waited. Daisy curled up on the floor board and was napping when Larry finally came back to report all cows and calves were present and accounted for. She stayed in her spot on the floor for the ride back to the farm.
The rest of her day was spent napping in the garage during afternoon nap time and helping with evening chores. She even will put her front paws up on the wall at the end of the stall and watch Fred take his evening bottle which was just as darling as possible. So ends Daisy's day. She is tucked inside the garage, was eating her supper and will sleep on her sheets or in her carrier.
Funny stories and commentary about the daily goings on at a family wheat farm. Tips on gardening, farm cats, relaxing on the deck and what to do when it really gets boring.
Sunday, October 12, 2014
Daisy the Cattle Dog . . . .stories to share
As Daisy was getting familiar with her new farm she was learning about where all the animals were located and checking out animal she had never seen before. Thus today's story.
The sheep are separated in 2 pens because one group is going to market on Monday. Daisy and I of course caused a stampede of sorts with the sheep as we walked up to the pens because they are scared of anything new. It did not take Daisy long to figure out how to run around through an open pen and get to the west side where the sheep were now huddled. She said something to the sheep, not sure what but they ran back over to the side of the pen where I was standing. So here comes Daisy, full speed ahead, back around to where I am standing. So as soon as she got back to me, the sheep took off back to the west side of the pen. This created a loop where Daisy would run around to send the sheep back to the other end of the pen. After several trips back and forth I called Daisy and she came running and we let the sheep rest from their laps around the pen.
I knew then that she was going to do just fine and we walked back down to the yard where she then went with Larry to go up to the machine shed and work on getting the combine ready for corn harvest. She rides very well in the pickup and lays on the floor if no one is sitting in the passenger seat.
Stay tuned, more stories are coming.
The sheep are separated in 2 pens because one group is going to market on Monday. Daisy and I of course caused a stampede of sorts with the sheep as we walked up to the pens because they are scared of anything new. It did not take Daisy long to figure out how to run around through an open pen and get to the west side where the sheep were now huddled. She said something to the sheep, not sure what but they ran back over to the side of the pen where I was standing. So here comes Daisy, full speed ahead, back around to where I am standing. So as soon as she got back to me, the sheep took off back to the west side of the pen. This created a loop where Daisy would run around to send the sheep back to the other end of the pen. After several trips back and forth I called Daisy and she came running and we let the sheep rest from their laps around the pen.
I knew then that she was going to do just fine and we walked back down to the yard where she then went with Larry to go up to the machine shed and work on getting the combine ready for corn harvest. She rides very well in the pickup and lays on the floor if no one is sitting in the passenger seat.
Stay tuned, more stories are coming.
Saturday, October 11, 2014
Update on Pink Pumpkin Fundraiser
11 days into the fundraiser now.
All but 2 pink pumpkins have been sold, one of those still not sold is still on the vine. There are potential buyers for them.
Fundraising goal has been surpassed thanks to some very generous donations I have received both online and in person for my pumpkins that include all of my sugar pies I had picked.
I have 5 Musquee de Provence chocolate pumpkins still trying to turn in the patch. These are HUGE, at least 12 inches in diameter. Reserve yours today before the bugs get to it.
So excited about the outpouring of support that we have decided to plant 75 seeds next year, use 3 pumpkin patch spots and have an even bigger sale to surrounding areas with Saturday hangouts in neighboring towns with a trunk load of pumpkins.
http://www.stayclassy.org/ nancyspinkpumpkins
All but 2 pink pumpkins have been sold, one of those still not sold is still on the vine. There are potential buyers for them.
Fundraising goal has been surpassed thanks to some very generous donations I have received both online and in person for my pumpkins that include all of my sugar pies I had picked.
I have 5 Musquee de Provence chocolate pumpkins still trying to turn in the patch. These are HUGE, at least 12 inches in diameter. Reserve yours today before the bugs get to it.
So excited about the outpouring of support that we have decided to plant 75 seeds next year, use 3 pumpkin patch spots and have an even bigger sale to surrounding areas with Saturday hangouts in neighboring towns with a trunk load of pumpkins.
Daisy, the Cattle Dog
Today marked the start of a new forever home for Daisy, the cattle dog. Daisy is almost 2 years old and needed a new forever home because her family was moving into town. I went up to Hayes Center, Nebraska this morning and met Daisy and her human before she was turned over to me. Now I know many of you are asking yourself, what does she need with a cattle dog? Daisy will be my dog, but even more so she will be Larry's dog. He is the one with the cattle that needs a little help when moving or working cattle. So when I saw Daisy was in search of a new home I knew this was the dog for my friend, Larry.
So Saturday morning (10/11/2014) Mom and I drove up to Hayes Center to meet and get Daisy. The first order of business was a flea dip bath because she was fighting a few fleas. Did you know that car washes are also good for flea dip baths? You do now. I took a big plastic tub, some rags and a cup to assist me in the flea eviction process. Then we had a fun drive back to Atwood. Fun because I had sheets down in the back with the back seats laid down flat. At around Trenton Daisy decided she needed a more secure place to ride and burrowed down between the seats onto the floor board behind the front seats. Now normally you would think sure, there is plenty of room, but the fact of the matter was that is where my grocery sacks were stored, my computer bag, my cross-stitch bag, and both mine and mom's purses, along with an extra water pump for the engine. So I pulled off to the side of the road and put one of the seats up so she was not so sandwiched down there and we headed into the vet for shots, weight and a new leash.
At the vet, Daisy was the poster child for well behaved dogs. She sat right beside me, did not pull or tug on her leash and was not barking or whimpering. In fact, mom and I were commenting on how good of a car rider she was leaving her human and going off with a couple of new humans. She was quiet, didn't cry and didn't bark. After we found out she weighed 38.4 pounds, had her shots and got everything all squared away at the vet we headed back to the farm north of Atwood. Daisy up to this point has been an outside dog all her life. The only time she is in a building is at the vet. I did not want to take any chances that she would run off and since we had no dog pen to speak of in the house she came. Obviously that made the cats very upset and the ones that stayed to witness this dog in their house were 3 sizes bigger from puffing up. The rest hid under the bed in my bedroom or found the highest shelf possible in the cat lounge to sit on and glare at this dog roaming about their house. I had a few more things to get done before Daisy and I headed east on the final leg of her journey so she did her best to get comfortable in the house. She mostly kept track of where the cats were I believe. She likes to eat cat food. Mom brought her over a dish with some dog food in it and she ate that with her good manners. She never would drink from the cat bowls and because of her taste for cat food, all recently filled bowls were put up out of her reach.
For the next leg of our journey I had the seats up with fresh sheets covering them not knowing if she would want to ride shotgun or curl up on the floor of the front passenger seat. She had no desire for either of those. She sat in the back seat like a good girl when we were going slow through town, but as soon as I hit cruising speed she was down on the floor, stretched out and resting.
Upon arrival at her new forever home, first she met Larry. We stopped at the machine shed on the way in so he could see her. Then we came on down to the house where Larry's mom was quick to come out and meet Daisy. She and Rags exchanged growls for about 30 minutes and Rags did a lot of circling around us but for the most part they did well meeting each other. After a walk to the barn to meet Fred the bull calf (that is another story) and see where the kittens eat, we decided to give her a little room to run off the leash. Now is when the real fun started. First she had to go explore where Rags eats and sleeps. Then she checked out the rest of the yard. Not very exciting - I know - but the visual was so hilarious. The calves in the barnyard don't normally pay attention to Rags. But suddenly, they were all lined up at the fence watching Daisy's every move. When she went behind the lilac bushes we knew where she was because the whole group was squeezed into the corner of the lot watching her. She never went into the cow lot where the calves were but she did check out the side where momma cow and the twin calves were kept. She went through the fence and back out like a pro and she did her cursory perimeter check as well.
I get the feeling that Daisy is going to be the source of some new stories here so stay posted. Pictures are difficult because she rarely sits still and if she does it is right beside me, one of her new humans. As I end today's post, leaving out a very animated sheep story that will be told soon in another post, she is up at the machine shed with Larry helping him grease the combine for corn harvest. Actually I think she is just supervising his progress.
Good evening from Western Kansas! Giving you a pretty sunset to close your day!
So Saturday morning (10/11/2014) Mom and I drove up to Hayes Center to meet and get Daisy. The first order of business was a flea dip bath because she was fighting a few fleas. Did you know that car washes are also good for flea dip baths? You do now. I took a big plastic tub, some rags and a cup to assist me in the flea eviction process. Then we had a fun drive back to Atwood. Fun because I had sheets down in the back with the back seats laid down flat. At around Trenton Daisy decided she needed a more secure place to ride and burrowed down between the seats onto the floor board behind the front seats. Now normally you would think sure, there is plenty of room, but the fact of the matter was that is where my grocery sacks were stored, my computer bag, my cross-stitch bag, and both mine and mom's purses, along with an extra water pump for the engine. So I pulled off to the side of the road and put one of the seats up so she was not so sandwiched down there and we headed into the vet for shots, weight and a new leash.
At the vet, Daisy was the poster child for well behaved dogs. She sat right beside me, did not pull or tug on her leash and was not barking or whimpering. In fact, mom and I were commenting on how good of a car rider she was leaving her human and going off with a couple of new humans. She was quiet, didn't cry and didn't bark. After we found out she weighed 38.4 pounds, had her shots and got everything all squared away at the vet we headed back to the farm north of Atwood. Daisy up to this point has been an outside dog all her life. The only time she is in a building is at the vet. I did not want to take any chances that she would run off and since we had no dog pen to speak of in the house she came. Obviously that made the cats very upset and the ones that stayed to witness this dog in their house were 3 sizes bigger from puffing up. The rest hid under the bed in my bedroom or found the highest shelf possible in the cat lounge to sit on and glare at this dog roaming about their house. I had a few more things to get done before Daisy and I headed east on the final leg of her journey so she did her best to get comfortable in the house. She mostly kept track of where the cats were I believe. She likes to eat cat food. Mom brought her over a dish with some dog food in it and she ate that with her good manners. She never would drink from the cat bowls and because of her taste for cat food, all recently filled bowls were put up out of her reach.
For the next leg of our journey I had the seats up with fresh sheets covering them not knowing if she would want to ride shotgun or curl up on the floor of the front passenger seat. She had no desire for either of those. She sat in the back seat like a good girl when we were going slow through town, but as soon as I hit cruising speed she was down on the floor, stretched out and resting.
Upon arrival at her new forever home, first she met Larry. We stopped at the machine shed on the way in so he could see her. Then we came on down to the house where Larry's mom was quick to come out and meet Daisy. She and Rags exchanged growls for about 30 minutes and Rags did a lot of circling around us but for the most part they did well meeting each other. After a walk to the barn to meet Fred the bull calf (that is another story) and see where the kittens eat, we decided to give her a little room to run off the leash. Now is when the real fun started. First she had to go explore where Rags eats and sleeps. Then she checked out the rest of the yard. Not very exciting - I know - but the visual was so hilarious. The calves in the barnyard don't normally pay attention to Rags. But suddenly, they were all lined up at the fence watching Daisy's every move. When she went behind the lilac bushes we knew where she was because the whole group was squeezed into the corner of the lot watching her. She never went into the cow lot where the calves were but she did check out the side where momma cow and the twin calves were kept. She went through the fence and back out like a pro and she did her cursory perimeter check as well.
I get the feeling that Daisy is going to be the source of some new stories here so stay posted. Pictures are difficult because she rarely sits still and if she does it is right beside me, one of her new humans. As I end today's post, leaving out a very animated sheep story that will be told soon in another post, she is up at the machine shed with Larry helping him grease the combine for corn harvest. Actually I think she is just supervising his progress.
Good evening from Western Kansas! Giving you a pretty sunset to close your day!
Tuesday, September 30, 2014
Pink Pumpkin Fundraiser
I was so excited this year when I discovered a pumpkin that is pink skinned called a Porcelain Doll. So I ordered me a packet and planted them. Now that October is knocking on the door, I have beautiful pink pumpkins for sale and have teamed up with Breast Cancer Research Foundation to receive the proceeds of the pumpkin sale towards their ongoing research! The monster patch took on more meaning at this decision and now I am ready to start raising money and awareness in a fun way!
Will you help support my fundraising efforts?
Pink Porcelain Doll growing to become a big pumpkin with great expectations.
The monster pumpkin patch outgrew its "fence" and took over the whole yard! |
The pumpkin patch even decided that irrigation pipes were no match for it and grew right over the top of them. |
The first pink pumpkin harvest. More remain in the patch getting their pink on.
Pink Porcelain Doll pumpkins on sale October 1, available until gone. 50% of sale proceeds will go to Breast Cancer Research Foundation.
You can pick up your pink
pumpkin every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday at the Farm Bureau
Financial Services office in Atwood, KS at 114 N. 4th St during regular
business hours. If you are not able to
get to Atwood to buy a pink pumpkin, but
still want to donate to my fundraising efforts, please follow this link (https://give.bcrfcure.org/fundraise?is_new=1&fcid=352965).
Other pumpkins - sugar pie, lumiere and baby boo are also for sale. Still waiting for the chocolate skinned Marquee de'Providence to get their chocolate on but they are working on it! They will be available for sale once they turned.
Saturday, August 30, 2014
Summer is SO BUSY!
I have been so busy this summer with so much going on. My car had the equivalent of a stroke in early June and has been in the car hospital and car rehab since then, might get to come home to me later this month. Waiting for the specialists to get done with their assessment and tests.
I have had big changes in my life and that has affected my ability to tend my garden and share stories with you all here. In a nutshell, I work 2 part-time jobs that keep me away from home from Monday afternoon through Friday evenings. The cats think I abandon them during the week and are amazed when they get fed at 11 p.m. at night before I crash in bed.
The gardens are doing great and so far have been spared from any hail damage, even though we had golf ball and grapefruit sized hail the weekend of Father's Day - my house took some damage but the gardens were spared - not sure how that worked out.
I have 4 garden plots this year. 3 are my house and 1 very special pumpkin patch is at my grandmother's farm. The first plot is the asparagus and tomato patch. A very small strip of garden that is most the asparagus patch but I worked it up so that the tomatoes could try out the soil. None of the tomato plants are growing very good this year but they are producing tomatoes and we are picking them!
The East garden has green beans, roma tomatoes, chinese cucumbers, regular cucumber, pickler cucumbers and gadzukes in it. I am trying the cucumber trellis idea this year. With the help of a very patient and generous man I met, I have 2 chunks of cattle panel attached to the sides of the garden shed with the other end positioned over the cucumber rows. The cucumbers are learning to climb the panels and let the cucumbers dangle down underneath. Sometimes this actually is accomplished. I am amazed when I find a 12-16 inch cucumber that is almost perfectly straight. Sure makes finding them easier and picking them is pretty easy too. The cucumbers are loaded with blooms so I think I am going to be buried in cucumbers for another month yet!
The West garden is the squash and pumpkin patch this year. There are 3 varieties of pumpkins and 2 varieties of summer squash - yellow and zucchini. Of course the zucchini and yellow squash plants are just going hog wild. Growing so big and almost ready to crawl out through the fence. I usually pick enough each time I go out to need the wagon.
The west garden pumpkin patch, pales in comparison to the monster patch, but there are pumpkins in there and the baby boos (upper center) are growing and doing well.
On August 29th I picked all of the squash on the plants and then pulled the plants. We have an abundance of squash (see below) that just cannot get eaten or picked in a timely manner and dad says he is tired of squash. I have a casserole in the freezer still and some on the table that have yet to be made into mock apple crunch. I think I have enough for 2 pans. Guess that will be all I do for the winter treat.
The last picking of squash. Yes they are in the trunk of a car. They are going to some cows and sheep in Phillips County. I also found out that there is someone who would like a few zucchini - an Aunt Betty - so we will get her taken care of as well. All 3 varieties are represented here. Their vines pulled and laying in 4 heaping piles next to the gardens at home where they will be transferred to the burn tank in a few days.
The gadzukes are getting really good at hiding from me and usually I find them when they are almost too big to grill! Sometimes the zucchini do that too and then they get made into mock apple pies or crunches!
(no i don't grow flip flops, but they get awful dirty when wore into the garden)
Squash abundance turns into the most delicious casseroles. I have 3 recipes I love and try to make several of and freeze for future use.
The special pumpkin patch is down at Grandma's house. Worked up 2 tiller width rows to plant in. Located in what was for 50 years the chicken coop yard. So 50 years of chicken poop has been resting here and now is feeding pink pumpkins, chocolate pumpkins and a few baby boos. I swear the vines grow another 12 inches every night and the pumpkins double in size overnight as well.
Taken on or around the first week of August.
I used to mow around the pumpkin patch, now I just walk around it and talk to the vines telling them how amazing they are and how I can't believe how much they grow all the time!
These next 3 pictures were taken only 2 weeks later and you can see how much the patch is growing in just that short of time!
Pink skinned pumpkins in honor of breast cancer awareness. For Sale this year - $5 to $10 depending on their size and they are growing BIG!
In preparation for that wonderful month of October a few new purchases have been made to compete with the growing monster pumpkins. Boots was nice enough to model one for me this morning and so I was able to capture a view from the back of the line up.
I have had big changes in my life and that has affected my ability to tend my garden and share stories with you all here. In a nutshell, I work 2 part-time jobs that keep me away from home from Monday afternoon through Friday evenings. The cats think I abandon them during the week and are amazed when they get fed at 11 p.m. at night before I crash in bed.
The gardens are doing great and so far have been spared from any hail damage, even though we had golf ball and grapefruit sized hail the weekend of Father's Day - my house took some damage but the gardens were spared - not sure how that worked out.
I have 4 garden plots this year. 3 are my house and 1 very special pumpkin patch is at my grandmother's farm. The first plot is the asparagus and tomato patch. A very small strip of garden that is most the asparagus patch but I worked it up so that the tomatoes could try out the soil. None of the tomato plants are growing very good this year but they are producing tomatoes and we are picking them!
The East garden has green beans, roma tomatoes, chinese cucumbers, regular cucumber, pickler cucumbers and gadzukes in it. I am trying the cucumber trellis idea this year. With the help of a very patient and generous man I met, I have 2 chunks of cattle panel attached to the sides of the garden shed with the other end positioned over the cucumber rows. The cucumbers are learning to climb the panels and let the cucumbers dangle down underneath. Sometimes this actually is accomplished. I am amazed when I find a 12-16 inch cucumber that is almost perfectly straight. Sure makes finding them easier and picking them is pretty easy too. The cucumbers are loaded with blooms so I think I am going to be buried in cucumbers for another month yet!
![]() |
East Garden - Chinese Cucumbers, green beans and tomatoes |
The West garden is the squash and pumpkin patch this year. There are 3 varieties of pumpkins and 2 varieties of summer squash - yellow and zucchini. Of course the zucchini and yellow squash plants are just going hog wild. Growing so big and almost ready to crawl out through the fence. I usually pick enough each time I go out to need the wagon.
The west garden pumpkin patch, pales in comparison to the monster patch, but there are pumpkins in there and the baby boos (upper center) are growing and doing well.
On August 29th I picked all of the squash on the plants and then pulled the plants. We have an abundance of squash (see below) that just cannot get eaten or picked in a timely manner and dad says he is tired of squash. I have a casserole in the freezer still and some on the table that have yet to be made into mock apple crunch. I think I have enough for 2 pans. Guess that will be all I do for the winter treat.
The last picking of squash. Yes they are in the trunk of a car. They are going to some cows and sheep in Phillips County. I also found out that there is someone who would like a few zucchini - an Aunt Betty - so we will get her taken care of as well. All 3 varieties are represented here. Their vines pulled and laying in 4 heaping piles next to the gardens at home where they will be transferred to the burn tank in a few days.
The gadzukes are getting really good at hiding from me and usually I find them when they are almost too big to grill! Sometimes the zucchini do that too and then they get made into mock apple pies or crunches!
(no i don't grow flip flops, but they get awful dirty when wore into the garden)
Squash abundance turns into the most delicious casseroles. I have 3 recipes I love and try to make several of and freeze for future use.
The special pumpkin patch is down at Grandma's house. Worked up 2 tiller width rows to plant in. Located in what was for 50 years the chicken coop yard. So 50 years of chicken poop has been resting here and now is feeding pink pumpkins, chocolate pumpkins and a few baby boos. I swear the vines grow another 12 inches every night and the pumpkins double in size overnight as well.
Taken on or around the first week of August.
I used to mow around the pumpkin patch, now I just walk around it and talk to the vines telling them how amazing they are and how I can't believe how much they grow all the time!
These next 3 pictures were taken only 2 weeks later and you can see how much the patch is growing in just that short of time!
Taking over the irrigation pipe, the posts you can barely see is the perimeter of the patch when planted! Obviously I took the fence down!
Pink skinned pumpkins in honor of breast cancer awareness. For Sale this year - $5 to $10 depending on their size and they are growing BIG!
In preparation for that wonderful month of October a few new purchases have been made to compete with the growing monster pumpkins. Boots was nice enough to model one for me this morning and so I was able to capture a view from the back of the line up.
Here is what they look like from the front! I found them all sad and lonely in Fort Collins, CO on a recent trip to the cabin. So glad I was able to save them from a life of boring city streets and mean kids!
Wednesday, July 9, 2014
Miller Moth Murders
A gruesome tale that is relived every June on the farm. This year seems to be especially horrific due to the shear numbers of invading miller moths that seem to make their way into every sliver of space between a door and the door jamb, the crack of the door in the car, and of course they have ninja powers that gets them into the house when you open the door.
The cats usually are very happy during this season because it gives them live prey to chase. However even the cats seem to be overwhelmed by the shear number of miller moths.
Every morning I open the french door only to find a new layer of live moths tucked in around the door seal. Of course, the mere act of opening the door releases the miller moth cloud out onto the deck and invariably some manage to do a 180 and end up in the house. Flyswatters are strategically placed throughout the house to maximize the murder spree that ensues. Smacked off the ceiling, walls, windows, curtains, around the night lights and even on the furniture. No surface is safe from their dirty, nasty selves and once they are killed they leave a horrid mess behind of moth dust.
Usually after the killing season is over, all the curtains get a fresh run in the washing machine. For the next 2 months or so I will be vacuuming up miller moth carcasses as they seem to fall behind everything. The cats will find them and have a crunchy snack sometimes. I guess they taste good enough to them.
This year there was even a swarm off the trees along the driveway as I drove home at night. That was a bit freaky because it looked like a cloud just launched off the trees and you never knew if they were going to die when they hit the vehicle or if they would just attack it and slither into a crack for a better spot to spend the night.
Thankfully, it is now July 9 and they are no longer found in every crack and crevice. I don't know where they move on to but all I can say is I am glad the unwanted guests are gone. Now to clean up what they left behind and dispose of their dead relatives.
The cats usually are very happy during this season because it gives them live prey to chase. However even the cats seem to be overwhelmed by the shear number of miller moths.
Every morning I open the french door only to find a new layer of live moths tucked in around the door seal. Of course, the mere act of opening the door releases the miller moth cloud out onto the deck and invariably some manage to do a 180 and end up in the house. Flyswatters are strategically placed throughout the house to maximize the murder spree that ensues. Smacked off the ceiling, walls, windows, curtains, around the night lights and even on the furniture. No surface is safe from their dirty, nasty selves and once they are killed they leave a horrid mess behind of moth dust.
Usually after the killing season is over, all the curtains get a fresh run in the washing machine. For the next 2 months or so I will be vacuuming up miller moth carcasses as they seem to fall behind everything. The cats will find them and have a crunchy snack sometimes. I guess they taste good enough to them.
This year there was even a swarm off the trees along the driveway as I drove home at night. That was a bit freaky because it looked like a cloud just launched off the trees and you never knew if they were going to die when they hit the vehicle or if they would just attack it and slither into a crack for a better spot to spend the night.
Thankfully, it is now July 9 and they are no longer found in every crack and crevice. I don't know where they move on to but all I can say is I am glad the unwanted guests are gone. Now to clean up what they left behind and dispose of their dead relatives.
Halloween is just around the corner. . . .
As usual my brain has shifted into high gear as the haunting season is nearing. Thanks to my crazy friends who find cool ideas for me and pass them on. That leads me more ideas and then next thing you know I realize it is July and I only have 3 months to get this all ready. So in the spirit of the season I am enlisting my friends and fans to help me.
PROJECT #1: Milk Jug Ghosts
100 Glow sticks purchased, another 100 to be purchased. Now I need 200 milk jugs empty and with a ghostly face on them. Come on friends, help me out with this project. Be creative and give me some good ghosts for the Halloween House!
What I would like you to do is as you empty a gallon milk jug, wash it out and then take a black marker and put a face on it! When you have that done, put it in my car or drop it by the Farm Bureau office when I am there. I will take them up until October 1.
PROJECT #2: Baby Boo Spiders
I am currently growing the bodies of these little cuties. I hope to have about 100 and will need a few friends to help assemble them. Mostly will need a hot glue gun operator (please send resume), pipe cleaner bender and insertion specialist (resume required) and eye ball insertion specialist (no medical degree necessary). I think this will be an afternoon party project so if you are interested just send me a facebook message and I will let you know what Saturday or Sunday afternoon we are doing these. But likely it will be October 12, wine will be served!
PROJECT #3: Giving Yard Spider a Glow in the dark skin.
I have the glow in the dark paint so just need to get him moved out of the brome grass and sit down and paint him a fresh coat of paint. I think he is going to live on the driveway somewhere this year.
PROJECT #4: Construct the Haunted House picture wall
This one is going on the east deck so that visitors can have a Halloween photo of them visiting the Halloween House. I am taking the inspiration from picture #1, creating it into picture #2 set up and picture #3 is similar to what the finished photo will look like. So here is my thoughts on this one - OSB cut into the shape, 2 circle windows will be eye balls looking out (I have those actually already) and the people will be in the large arch opening in the bottom middle. I might make a couple of long, slender holes on either side. The stone look is going to be accomplished by spray foam and spray paint. Spider webbing will be involved somehow.
Take this picture with all its creepy elements and build it into this below.
As you can see, there are some serious plans being made to make the Halloween House even more fantastic than in years past. So mark your calendars for October 19 from 2p-5p. Come out and see all the crazy stuff I have come up with this year!
PROJECT #1: Milk Jug Ghosts
100 Glow sticks purchased, another 100 to be purchased. Now I need 200 milk jugs empty and with a ghostly face on them. Come on friends, help me out with this project. Be creative and give me some good ghosts for the Halloween House!
What I would like you to do is as you empty a gallon milk jug, wash it out and then take a black marker and put a face on it! When you have that done, put it in my car or drop it by the Farm Bureau office when I am there. I will take them up until October 1.
PROJECT #2: Baby Boo Spiders
I am currently growing the bodies of these little cuties. I hope to have about 100 and will need a few friends to help assemble them. Mostly will need a hot glue gun operator (please send resume), pipe cleaner bender and insertion specialist (resume required) and eye ball insertion specialist (no medical degree necessary). I think this will be an afternoon party project so if you are interested just send me a facebook message and I will let you know what Saturday or Sunday afternoon we are doing these. But likely it will be October 12, wine will be served!
PROJECT #3: Giving Yard Spider a Glow in the dark skin.
I have the glow in the dark paint so just need to get him moved out of the brome grass and sit down and paint him a fresh coat of paint. I think he is going to live on the driveway somewhere this year.
PROJECT #4: Construct the Haunted House picture wall
This one is going on the east deck so that visitors can have a Halloween photo of them visiting the Halloween House. I am taking the inspiration from picture #1, creating it into picture #2 set up and picture #3 is similar to what the finished photo will look like. So here is my thoughts on this one - OSB cut into the shape, 2 circle windows will be eye balls looking out (I have those actually already) and the people will be in the large arch opening in the bottom middle. I might make a couple of long, slender holes on either side. The stone look is going to be accomplished by spray foam and spray paint. Spider webbing will be involved somehow.
Take this picture with all its creepy elements and build it into this below.
Notice that there are a couple holes cut out in the frames (see brick wall) those are where the people look out to get their picture taken like they did below.
As you can see, there are some serious plans being made to make the Halloween House even more fantastic than in years past. So mark your calendars for October 19 from 2p-5p. Come out and see all the crazy stuff I have come up with this year!
Monday, June 30, 2014
Foggy mornings
What does one do when it is wet and foggy in the morning? I catch up on some much needed house work.
Doing the dishes, making me some breakfast was how I started out. When I tried to turn on the light in the ceiling fan above the stove I discovered the light was burn out. So that means I had to turn off the ceiling fat and figure out how to remove the globe cover. When I turned off the fan I realized the fan needed to be cleaned. So this set into motion the task of cleaning the fan blades.
1. Mix water, soap and clorox in the ice cream bucket.
2. Put sheet over stove.
3. Grab paper towels.
4. Wipe off excess dirt and cat hair from fan blades.
5. Wash fan blades with soapy water and washcloth.
6. Replace light bulb and cover.
7. Turn on fan and enjoy a clean breeze.
Now on with the next project which is going to be the firewood corral.
Doing the dishes, making me some breakfast was how I started out. When I tried to turn on the light in the ceiling fan above the stove I discovered the light was burn out. So that means I had to turn off the ceiling fat and figure out how to remove the globe cover. When I turned off the fan I realized the fan needed to be cleaned. So this set into motion the task of cleaning the fan blades.
1. Mix water, soap and clorox in the ice cream bucket.
2. Put sheet over stove.
3. Grab paper towels.
4. Wipe off excess dirt and cat hair from fan blades.
5. Wash fan blades with soapy water and washcloth.
6. Replace light bulb and cover.
7. Turn on fan and enjoy a clean breeze.
Now on with the next project which is going to be the firewood corral.
Tuesday, June 24, 2014
New recipe tried and liked. . . .
My observations and tips.
1. Use pesto with extra olive oil OR flavored dipping sauce to brush on dough before each layer of cheese and meat.
2. Make sure bundt pan is oiled very well.
3. You will need more dough than you think. I suggest rolling the pieces of dough into balls and covering the bottom of a well oiled bundt pan.
4. Layer the pepperoni and cheese lavishly and keep away from middle and edges.
5. I would put pepperoni and cheese on top and not cover it with another layer of dough! personal preference.
My observations and tips.
1. Use pesto with extra olive oil OR flavored dipping sauce to brush on dough before each layer of cheese and meat.
2. Make sure bundt pan is oiled very well.
3. You will need more dough than you think. I suggest rolling the pieces of dough into balls and covering the bottom of a well oiled bundt pan.
4. Layer the pepperoni and cheese lavishly and keep away from middle and edges.
5. I would put pepperoni and cheese on top and not cover it with another layer of dough! personal preference.
The recipe is good, really easy to make and good even if made with biscuit dough. Pictures of the process on the link above
Tuesday, June 10, 2014
P.U. no scratch and sniff needed
Everyone has no doubt heard the Dead Skunk in the Middle of the Road song. If not, here is the U-tube link - Dead Skunk in the Middle of the Road
This morning as I was leaving the farm there was a skunk laying in the ditch of our road that connects to the highway. The same ditch I mow and that the cats hunt birds in the trees. The skunk was oriented with its nose pointing due east, like it was just laying there taking a nap. I rolled the window down on the truck and yelled at it -- HEY SKUNK! HEY SKUNK ARE YOU DEAD OR ALIVE? -- Since he did not smell bad as dead skunks tend to release that stink as soon as they are hit on the highway I figured he would leave.
Amazingly the skunk felt no desire to answer me or even give me indication that he was in fact alive. So I prayed that the cats would not come down and bother him and that he would saunter off today before I got home.
No such luck. The skunk was still in the same place when I drove back home this afternoon to feed dogs and cats. This time the skunk was definitely awake. Its tail was twitching and switching. Its head was moving to and fro. So I did the only thing I could do. Drove up to the yard, jumped out of the pickup, got my .22 rifle and drove back down the road.
Let me paint a picture if I can. I am dressed up from working in the insurance office all day. My hair is all pretty, slacks and a blouse but I am driving a muddy truck with my .22 by my side. Obviously this skunk, who now smells of stink, is hurt and needs to be taken out of its misery so I can get rid of the thing. Usually I don't bother sighting in anything I shoot at, mostly I hope to scare the vermin away so I took my first shot which went over its head. The second shot did as well. So I sighted the skunk in and adjusted for where the sight was and where the first 2 bullets went. 2 more shots and these appear to have done the trick. He stopped moving and still stunk!
I got back in the truck, put the safety on my gun and drove back up to the house. Let the dogs out and checked to make sure none of the cats smelled like skunk before I let them in the house. So now there lies a dead, stinky skunk in my ditch and I am going to have to mow in a few days. So hopefully I can scoop the dead skunk in a bucket, take it for a ride somewhere away from the farm and it can stink elsewhere. Funny thing though, as the dogs and I walked up around the garden I could smell skunk up there as well. I hope that is a live one that has moved on and is not lying dead under one of the cedar trees in the windbreak.
This morning as I was leaving the farm there was a skunk laying in the ditch of our road that connects to the highway. The same ditch I mow and that the cats hunt birds in the trees. The skunk was oriented with its nose pointing due east, like it was just laying there taking a nap. I rolled the window down on the truck and yelled at it -- HEY SKUNK! HEY SKUNK ARE YOU DEAD OR ALIVE? -- Since he did not smell bad as dead skunks tend to release that stink as soon as they are hit on the highway I figured he would leave.
Amazingly the skunk felt no desire to answer me or even give me indication that he was in fact alive. So I prayed that the cats would not come down and bother him and that he would saunter off today before I got home.
No such luck. The skunk was still in the same place when I drove back home this afternoon to feed dogs and cats. This time the skunk was definitely awake. Its tail was twitching and switching. Its head was moving to and fro. So I did the only thing I could do. Drove up to the yard, jumped out of the pickup, got my .22 rifle and drove back down the road.
Let me paint a picture if I can. I am dressed up from working in the insurance office all day. My hair is all pretty, slacks and a blouse but I am driving a muddy truck with my .22 by my side. Obviously this skunk, who now smells of stink, is hurt and needs to be taken out of its misery so I can get rid of the thing. Usually I don't bother sighting in anything I shoot at, mostly I hope to scare the vermin away so I took my first shot which went over its head. The second shot did as well. So I sighted the skunk in and adjusted for where the sight was and where the first 2 bullets went. 2 more shots and these appear to have done the trick. He stopped moving and still stunk!
I got back in the truck, put the safety on my gun and drove back up to the house. Let the dogs out and checked to make sure none of the cats smelled like skunk before I let them in the house. So now there lies a dead, stinky skunk in my ditch and I am going to have to mow in a few days. So hopefully I can scoop the dead skunk in a bucket, take it for a ride somewhere away from the farm and it can stink elsewhere. Funny thing though, as the dogs and I walked up around the garden I could smell skunk up there as well. I hope that is a live one that has moved on and is not lying dead under one of the cedar trees in the windbreak.
Tuesday, May 27, 2014
I just finished planting the Rogers Farm Pumpkin Patch. Because of a healthy congregation of rabbits in the area, these prized and special pumpkins will get a fence added this weekend before they sprout so the rabbits do not eat the plants before we have pumpkins.
So what is so special about the patch at the Rogers Farm you wonder? It is going to grow some very special pumpkins that I hope I can sell in October. I will try to take pictures throughout the growing process and with God's help by sparing us from hail storms we will have 3 varieties here at Rogers Farm.
Porcelain Doll (purple) - Light pink skinned and proceeds from the sale of these special pumpkin seeds are going to breast cancer research as we continue to fight this cancer.
Musquee de Provence (yellow) - Chocolate skinned pumpkins with bright orange centers.
Baby Boo (orange) - I had 3 seeds left that were hiding in the envelope so they came down here to help boost the garden and give it a little color variety. These are my minature white skinned pumpkins I have grown for years.
So what is so special about the patch at the Rogers Farm you wonder? It is going to grow some very special pumpkins that I hope I can sell in October. I will try to take pictures throughout the growing process and with God's help by sparing us from hail storms we will have 3 varieties here at Rogers Farm.
Porcelain Doll (purple) - Light pink skinned and proceeds from the sale of these special pumpkin seeds are going to breast cancer research as we continue to fight this cancer.
Musquee de Provence (yellow) - Chocolate skinned pumpkins with bright orange centers.
Baby Boo (orange) - I had 3 seeds left that were hiding in the envelope so they came down here to help boost the garden and give it a little color variety. These are my minature white skinned pumpkins I have grown for years.
Sun Tea Season - one of my favorites!
From a secret recipe, the best sun tea brewed is with Lipton gallon sized tea bags, apparently only found at Sam's Club. I typically make 2 gallons at a time and with me being the only one drinking it, that only lasts me about 5 days so I am doing this procedure once a week at the very least. Now if there are guests, I suggest one gallon for them and one gallon for me, additional to the regular 2 gallon weekly brew.
Last Monday, May 19 was the first day of Sun Tea Season. Why so late you ask? That is because of the secret part of the family recipe and the weather around here not cooperating prior to this point.
Nancy's Perfect Sun Tea
1 glass gallon jar filled with cold well water
1 gallon sized Lipton tea bag
(the secret) Place outside in a maximum sun spot once the temperature outside exceeds 80 degrees.
Brew for a minimum of 6 hours.
Yield - 1.5 gallons of the most perfect sun tea ever!
Dilute with more cold well water, do not leave tea bag in the jar, throw away upon removal from sun brewing. Be sure to rinse the empty glass jar thoroughly. Once every 3 brews I will wash it with Dawn and Clorox.
Last Monday, May 19 was the first day of Sun Tea Season. Why so late you ask? That is because of the secret part of the family recipe and the weather around here not cooperating prior to this point.
Nancy's Perfect Sun Tea
1 glass gallon jar filled with cold well water
1 gallon sized Lipton tea bag
(the secret) Place outside in a maximum sun spot once the temperature outside exceeds 80 degrees.
Brew for a minimum of 6 hours.
Yield - 1.5 gallons of the most perfect sun tea ever!
Dilute with more cold well water, do not leave tea bag in the jar, throw away upon removal from sun brewing. Be sure to rinse the empty glass jar thoroughly. Once every 3 brews I will wash it with Dawn and Clorox.
Monday, May 26, 2014
32ng Annual Early Rod Run - 2014
One of the best things about the month of May is the Early Rod Run - now having completed its 32nd running. The weather was less than desirable and the drag races were cancelled because of rain throughout the day. But that did not deter the classic cars and hot rods from coming and putting on a beautiful show, lining the streets of downtown Atwood. I was able to take a few minutes and walk about town to take pictures of the ones I liked best, only to find out that one of the cars I photographed won the top prize!
Top Winner! |
High school classmate's care |
Love the pink! |
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