PROJECT #1: Milk Jug Ghosts
100 Glow sticks purchased, another 100 to be purchased. Now I need 200 milk jugs empty and with a ghostly face on them. Come on friends, help me out with this project. Be creative and give me some good ghosts for the Halloween House!
What I would like you to do is as you empty a gallon milk jug, wash it out and then take a black marker and put a face on it! When you have that done, put it in my car or drop it by the Farm Bureau office when I am there. I will take them up until October 1.
PROJECT #2: Baby Boo Spiders
I am currently growing the bodies of these little cuties. I hope to have about 100 and will need a few friends to help assemble them. Mostly will need a hot glue gun operator (please send resume), pipe cleaner bender and insertion specialist (resume required) and eye ball insertion specialist (no medical degree necessary). I think this will be an afternoon party project so if you are interested just send me a facebook message and I will let you know what Saturday or Sunday afternoon we are doing these. But likely it will be October 12, wine will be served!
PROJECT #3: Giving Yard Spider a Glow in the dark skin.
I have the glow in the dark paint so just need to get him moved out of the brome grass and sit down and paint him a fresh coat of paint. I think he is going to live on the driveway somewhere this year.
PROJECT #4: Construct the Haunted House picture wall
This one is going on the east deck so that visitors can have a Halloween photo of them visiting the Halloween House. I am taking the inspiration from picture #1, creating it into picture #2 set up and picture #3 is similar to what the finished photo will look like. So here is my thoughts on this one - OSB cut into the shape, 2 circle windows will be eye balls looking out (I have those actually already) and the people will be in the large arch opening in the bottom middle. I might make a couple of long, slender holes on either side. The stone look is going to be accomplished by spray foam and spray paint. Spider webbing will be involved somehow.
Take this picture with all its creepy elements and build it into this below.
Notice that there are a couple holes cut out in the frames (see brick wall) those are where the people look out to get their picture taken like they did below.
As you can see, there are some serious plans being made to make the Halloween House even more fantastic than in years past. So mark your calendars for October 19 from 2p-5p. Come out and see all the crazy stuff I have come up with this year!
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