Today marked the start of a new forever home for Daisy, the cattle dog. Daisy is almost 2 years old and needed a new forever home because her family was moving into town. I went up to Hayes Center, Nebraska this morning and met Daisy and her human before she was turned over to me. Now I know many of you are asking yourself, what does she need with a cattle dog? Daisy will be my dog, but even more so she will be Larry's dog. He is the one with the cattle that needs a little help when moving or working cattle. So when I saw Daisy was in search of a new home I knew this was the dog for my friend, Larry.
So Saturday morning (10/11/2014) Mom and I drove up to Hayes Center to meet and get Daisy. The first order of business was a flea dip bath because she was fighting a few fleas. Did you know that car washes are also good for flea dip baths? You do now. I took a big plastic tub, some rags and a cup to assist me in the flea eviction process. Then we had a fun drive back to Atwood. Fun because I had sheets down in the back with the back seats laid down flat. At around Trenton Daisy decided she needed a more secure place to ride and burrowed down between the seats onto the floor board behind the front seats. Now normally you would think sure, there is plenty of room, but the fact of the matter was that is where my grocery sacks were stored, my computer bag, my cross-stitch bag, and both mine and mom's purses, along with an extra water pump for the engine. So I pulled off to the side of the road and put one of the seats up so she was not so sandwiched down there and we headed into the vet for shots, weight and a new leash.
At the vet, Daisy was the poster child for well behaved dogs. She sat right beside me, did not pull or tug on her leash and was not barking or whimpering. In fact, mom and I were commenting on how good of a car rider she was leaving her human and going off with a couple of new humans. She was quiet, didn't cry and didn't bark. After we found out she weighed 38.4 pounds, had her shots and got everything all squared away at the vet we headed back to the farm north of Atwood. Daisy up to this point has been an outside dog all her life. The only time she is in a building is at the vet. I did not want to take any chances that she would run off and since we had no dog pen to speak of in the house she came. Obviously that made the cats very upset and the ones that stayed to witness this dog in their house were 3 sizes bigger from puffing up. The rest hid under the bed in my bedroom or found the highest shelf possible in the cat lounge to sit on and glare at this dog roaming about their house. I had a few more things to get done before Daisy and I headed east on the final leg of her journey so she did her best to get comfortable in the house. She mostly kept track of where the cats were I believe. She likes to eat cat food. Mom brought her over a dish with some dog food in it and she ate that with her good manners. She never would drink from the cat bowls and because of her taste for cat food, all recently filled bowls were put up out of her reach.
For the next leg of our journey I had the seats up with fresh sheets covering them not knowing if she would want to ride shotgun or curl up on the floor of the front passenger seat. She had no desire for either of those. She sat in the back seat like a good girl when we were going slow through town, but as soon as I hit cruising speed she was down on the floor, stretched out and resting.
Upon arrival at her new forever home, first she met Larry. We stopped at the machine shed on the way in so he could see her. Then we came on down to the house where Larry's mom was quick to come out and meet Daisy. She and Rags exchanged growls for about 30 minutes and Rags did a lot of circling around us but for the most part they did well meeting each other. After a walk to the barn to meet Fred the bull calf (that is another story) and see where the kittens eat, we decided to give her a little room to run off the leash. Now is when the real fun started. First she had to go explore where Rags eats and sleeps. Then she checked out the rest of the yard. Not very exciting - I know - but the visual was so hilarious. The calves in the barnyard don't normally pay attention to Rags. But suddenly, they were all lined up at the fence watching Daisy's every move. When she went behind the lilac bushes we knew where she was because the whole group was squeezed into the corner of the lot watching her. She never went into the cow lot where the calves were but she did check out the side where momma cow and the twin calves were kept. She went through the fence and back out like a pro and she did her cursory perimeter check as well.
I get the feeling that Daisy is going to be the source of some new stories here so stay posted. Pictures are difficult because she rarely sits still and if she does it is right beside me, one of her new humans. As I end today's post, leaving out a very animated sheep story that will be told soon in another post, she is up at the machine shed with Larry helping him grease the combine for corn harvest. Actually I think she is just supervising his progress.
Good evening from Western Kansas! Giving you a pretty sunset to close your day!
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