Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Preserving the past

As we build this new house that we call home, I continue to try to bring in some of the things from Larry's past to preserve the memory of the farm he grew up on and some of my past to honor my grandmother, who passed just before we met, and whom I believe was the divine intervention bringing Larry and I together. 
One of the ways I am striving to do this is by using some of the best boards from the sheep sheds we dismantled in order to clear the area for the house. 

Bringing my past to the new house is in a more decorative manner.  I inherited some floral pieces from my grandmother's supply.  Since the kitchen is a staple from my past -- grandma making wonderful meals, cookies for grandkids and where everyone seemed to gather when visiting, I decided it would fitting to put the teacup arrangement (a mother's day present for my grandma from me) in the window above the kitchen sink along side the aloe vera plant that is an offshoot from grandma's aunt Selma. 

Anyone who has ever been in an old farmhouse, the window above the sink is the quintessential piece of a kitchen.  It is the place that moms and grandmas on the farm have watched the kids playing in the yard or seen the neighbors driving up for a visit or watching the cows come in for a drink or watching the tractor go by on the way to or from the field.  At least that is what my grandmas saw through their kitchen windows.  So when it came time to design this farm house I knew I wanted the window over the kitchen sink. 

Anyone who knows me knows I hate to spend time in the kitchen; however, I still find comfort in standing at the sink looking out this particular window.  You can see what I see.  There are no kids in the yard playing, I can't see the cows or watch the tractor go by with my husband on it, but it still represents all that I remember of my grandmas, where I always found them, where memories are made.  They may be my memories, but now that both of my grandmas are passed away, the memories are all I have and the little tokens that make it easy to recall the memories.

I hope this brings your own memories of your grandma and those memories bring a smile on your face today.

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